When their Cockapoo needed care, these pet parents were relieved to have a financial safety net with Fetch
Meet Enzo, a Cockapoo who helped play matchmaker for his mom and dad
When it comes to unconditional love, it doesn’t get any sweeter than Nick and Ali’s bond with their 3-year-old Cockapoo. Their “de facto son,” Enzo, came into Nick’s life just a few months before Ali did, and the pup played a key role in their courtship. After three dates, Nick introduced Ali to Enzo and “He loved her really quickly,” Nick said. “If he didn’t, I don’t know if we’d be together. She’s so good to him, and he loves her. There's a good amount of time where I think he liked her more than me.” Enzo and Ali’s close relationship helped cement the trio as a family and now “Enzo’s everything to us,” according to Nick.
Fast forward three years: Nick and Ali are now engaged, and of course Enzo was right there to celebrate his parents’ big moment, clad in a bandana that said “My parents are getting married.” Though Nick and Ali are clearly in it for the long haul, Nick jokes Enzo will always be number one. He said, “I’ll tell Ali straight up that he’s my first love and Enzo comes first. I joke around and say that I wouldn't have a life without Enzo, but I truthfully can't even picture my life without him.” Thankfully, he doesn’t have to — Ali and Nick currently live together in Astoria, NY, and their pup is the light of their lives. Enzo particularly loves a good park day where he can play with other dogs, enjoy a good game of fetch and sniff everything in sight.

When Enzo had to go to the ER within his first days home, Nick knew he needed pet insurance
Enzo is Nick’s first dog ever, so you can imagine how stressful it was when his puppy got a urinary tract infection shortly after coming home for the first time. He said, “I came in and he just peed blood all over the kitchen. It was literally my second day ever having a pet and I'm loading him right back into the car and we're going to the hospital.” Nick had already signed up with Fetch but was still in the waiting period, so he wasn’t covered for that particular vet bill. Still, he felt reassured in his decision to enroll Enzo in pet insurance for the future. “It was the only time I’ve ever had to pay fully out of pocket for something. And that was just a taste of what veterinary medicine costs without protection. I knew Fetch was going to pay for itself right there, because if you’re two days in and you’re already going to the emergency room, it’s a taste of what’s to come," Nick said.

Nick initially looked into Fetch based on a recommendation from a friend, but the comprehensive coverage was a big part of the draw when he compared providers. As a doting dog dad, he takes comfort in knowing that he has a safety net if Enzo needs a trip to the vet — even if it’s just for a gut check. Nick said, “It’s the best plan that fits the way I am as a pet parent. Enzo can’t take care of himself — he can’t tell me when something is wrong. The only way to know is by taking him to the vet. Some people, even with pet insurance, may not go to the vet as often as I do. But because I’d rather be safe than sorry, and to know he’s okay and my wallet’s okay is a great feeling.”
With Fetch, Nick and Ali don’t have to worry about expensive vet bills — even when Enzo visits the vet often
Fetch gives Nick peace of mind knowing he can take Enzo to the vet as much as he needs without worrying about the cost — including for recommended follow-up care. He said “Pet insurance has come in handy so much over the years. He’s had a lot of issues pop up and if there’s anything wrong, I’m always taking him to the vet because, who knows?” For example, when Nick found a tick on Enzo, he didn’t have to think twice to take him to the vet for removal — and for the follow-up appointments in the months after to test for Lyme disease. Nick said “It affords us the ability to not have to worry so much.”
Fetch was also there for Nick and Ali when Enzo wasn’t acting like himself and they couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Enzo was throwing up, hiding in unusual places, whining for no reason and shaking excessively. Naturally, Nick and Ali were concerned, so they took him to the vet to make sure there wasn’t a larger issue. Enzo ended up being okay, but the vet ran a lot of tests and prescribed various meds — all of which cost almost $1,500. Thanks to Fetch, Nick and Ali were paid back $1,147 but the reassurance that Enzo could get whatever care he needed was priceless. Nick said “Fetch has been a safety net for us. If we didn’t have it, I would have to think twice before taking Enzo to the vet because the bills really add up. With Fetch, I know I’m going to get Enzo the care he needs and get 80% of the money back. Whether I can afford the vet bill doesn’t even cross my mind.”
Thanks to Fetch, Nick and Ali can rest easier knowing Enzo’s covered, and they can focus their energy on bigger priorities — like finding a way to include Enzo in their wedding festivities.

Light brown Cockapoo sitting in the grass
The Dig, Fetch Pet Insurance's expert-backed editorial, answers all of the questions you forget to ask your vet or are too embarrassed to ask at the dog park. We help make sure you and your best friend have more good days, but we’re there on bad days, too.