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Illustrations of pineapples on a yellow colored background

Health & Wellness

Can dogs eat pineapple?

Yes (minus the skin and core).

You’re hosting a brunch and want to create a colorful, tasty fruit salad. While chopping up a pineapple, a piece drops directly where your dog is sitting. It’s natural to grab the fruit slice before your dog does, but depending on how you’ve chopped the pineapple up, it could be fair-game for your dog to enjoy.

(Even though pineapple is generally safe for dogs, you should always consult your vet before introducing new foods to your pup’s diet.)

Are pineapples good for dogs?

The following benefits of pineapple are great to incorporate into your pup's diet, but occasional bites here and there aren't enough to drastically improve their well-being:

  • Vitamin C: supports the immune system, helps with healthy aging, offers an energy boost
  • Vitamin B-6: supports the immune system and nervous system
  • Potassium: offers an energy boost, maintains nerve and muscle health
  • Iron: boosts blood health
  • Calcium: builds strong bones

Are pineapples bad for dogs?

While pineapples are full of nutrients, they have their cons, too. Pineapples should be served in moderation because their high sugar levels can cause obesity, poor oral health and cause stomach issues, including diarrhea.

However, when introducing new foods to your dog, it’s always smart to have an emergency preparedness plan in place in case they experience a reaction. Some quick steps to get you started are:

  • Write down the phone numbers for poison control, local 24-hour emergency pet hospitals and animal ambulances in your area.
  • Put together a pet emergency kit including latex gloves, an information card with your vet’s address and phone number and towels.
  • Practice for emergencies by familiarizing your pet with riding in the car.

RELATED: Can dogs eat strawberries?

How to feed your dog pineapple

When serving this sweet treat, don’t share the prickly skin and core (as they could cause digestive problems). If you think your pup ate the skin or core, monitor your pup for signs of an upset stomach and other illness symptoms (like lethargy and decreased appetite) and reach out to your vet if your dog gets sick.

It’s best to avoid serving dried or canned pineapple to your dog as those options have more calories. Too much sugar and preservatives can lead to an unbalanced diet, which ultimately affects your dog’s overall health and wellness and increases their risk of obesity.

Treats, including pineapples, should only make up 10% of your dog's total daily calories. Your veterinarian can help you determine proper portions based on your pet's specific needs.

Happy snacking

And here’s a pro-tip: Frozen pineapple slices are a great treat option and help to cool your dog down, especially on a hot summer’s day. So next time you’re cutting open a pineapple (or grabbing a bag from the freezer), feel free to sneak your pup a couple of chilled slices.

We're confident that pineapple isn’t the only human food your dog would love to sink their teeth into (cue the drool). Check out our series "Can dogs eat … ?" to learn more about which human foods are off-limits and what's fair game.

The Dig, Fetch Pet Insurance's expert-backed editorial, answers all of the questions you forget to ask your vet or are too embarrassed to ask at the dog park. We help make sure you and your best friend have more good days, but we’re there on bad days, too.

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